Lego nasa astronaut shirt

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Lego nasa astronaut shirt

What’s more, the collection has a charitable component, benefitting the Lego nasa astronaut shirt Marsha P. Johnson Institute and the Andy Warhol Foundation through sales of Sarria’s garments on Animal Crossing. The partnership arrived organically, with Warhol’s Ladies and Gentlemen series, starring Johnson, serving as Sarria’s inspiration for her printed dresses and balaclavas. “I’m a huge fan of Carolina’s work. It’s youthful and fresh, with a huge helping of rebelliousness, which I gravitate towards in a big way,” says hairstylist Anthony Turner. “I’m an advocate for trans rights, and when I found out proceeds were going to the Marsha P. Johnson Institute, I just had to be on board.”

See more: Lego nasa astronaut shirt

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