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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2021

Peace Love America 4th July Patriotic Sunflower Heart Shirt

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The takeaway from Josie, fashion-wise, is not as simple as Trends Are Bad. Instead, at the end, they’re adapted to the individual, turned down, a nice little accent. Looking at Val, Melody, and Josie in the final number (a bop by the name of “Spin Around”), they’re wearing their signature leopard-print ears, which happen to be in style at the  Peace Love America 4th July Patriotic Sunflower Heart Shirt  time. They’re the influencers now; what was mocked at the beginning is widely adopted now. Much like real trends, it all comes around again eventually. Yes, even scarf tops and wide-leg flares. Find what you like and hold on tight. You Look Like The 4th Of July Makes Me Want A Hotdog Shirt Unicorn I may not be everyone’s cup of tea but I am too busy enjoying my beer to give a shit shirt Unicorn I am a grumpy lady I am allergic to stupidity I break outr oin sarcasm shirt Unicorn cutting people out of my life doesn’t mean I hate them it means I respect myself shirt Turtle some...