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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 9, 2020

These are a few of my favorite things Pug dog Mickey and coffee shirt

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Barrett, a judge on the Federal Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit since 2017 and a former Supreme Court clerk for the These are a few of my favorite things Pug dog Mickey and coffee shirt late Antonin Scalia, was a front-runner almost from the minute the seat opened up, having been under strong consideration by Trump for the vacancy created two years ago by the retirement of Anthony Kennedy. A graduate of Notre Dame Law School, and for 15 years a professor there, Barrett is a devout Roman Catholic whose deeply conservative views on issues like a woman’s right to choose have made her a favorite of religious groups and right-wing organizations such as the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation, both of whom have had enormous influence over Trump’s judicial picks in the four years of his presidency. It is almost certain that if Barrett is confirmed by the Republican-controlled Senate, the future of Roe v. Wade is at best a precarious one. On MSNBC Friday night, when news began ...