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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2020

Beer the glue holding this 2020 shitshow together tee shirt

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It might seem symbolic, but given that the Beer the glue holding this 2020 shitshow together tee shirt COVID-19 pandemic is still actively ravaging the U.S. (in no small part thanks to Trump’s administration), seeing the president eschew a mask while talking to the people working to keep America safe felt particularly enraging.Mark and Patricia McCloskey, who were last seen waving guns at protestors fighting for Black liberation in late June, were on hand at Night 1 of the RNC to claim that Democrats want to “abolish the suburbs.”  Trump baselessly accused Democrats of “trying to steal the election” with mail-in voting, only to be undercut by the very senator giving the RNC’s closing speech: “I’m very confident that we will have fair elections throughout this country,” Senator Tim Scott said on NBC’s Today show on Tuesday morning. Mickey mouse get naked shirt Beer the glue holding this 2020 shitshow together tee shirt Witches with hitches camping Halloween shirt Wakanda forever go...